
Hear What Our Customers Have To Say.

Easy to remove calcium on my emitters

“I could wipe the calcium residue from my drip toe emitters with my finger where I had installed Magnation; whereas in my other field without the Magnation system, the emitters had hardened with calcium. Also, water soaks in better.”

Bob Vanella, Almond producer, Vanella Farms, Chico and Colusa, California

Water hardness down from 40 to 4 grains

“Our scale was way down on our lines and we didn’t have to clean or change any of our emitters on our prune trees. The hardness of our water at home went down from from 40 to 4 grains.”

Paul Johl, Stone fruit grower, Yuba City, California

Huge improvement in soil chemistry for turfgrass mgmt

“Our base saturations of calcium were over 70% for the first time on record for our fairways, and our sodium levels were below 2%, which we’ve never seen before. With Magnation, the sodium was reduced by 50% in our base saturations. We went from 120 pounds per acre of sodium down to 60 pounds, in our soil tests. The claims that Magnation makes about flushing sodium through the soil and solubilizing cations “magnesium, calcium and potas” are very true. We definitely saw that in our own results. We’re finding tremendous benefits to our soil chemistry since the Magnation units have been put in and this has been realized in healthier, easier to manage turfgrass.”

Dean Piller, Superintendent, Cordova Bay Golf Course, British Columbia, Canada

Productive flower fields despite salt & calcium issues

“Very happy with the Magnation unit. We’re not having the salt and calcium issues at our flower farm like we were having before!”

Joe Schafer, Flemings Flower Fields Nursery, Lindsay, California

As effective as Gypsum for soil conditioning

“Works as effective as gypsum in leaching fields.” [Read more about soil health]

Grimmway Farms, Imperial Valley, California

Chucked the salts

“After installing the Magnation system we haven’t had to put salt in our softener at home and our laundry is coming out cleaner than when we’re running the softener.”

Lyle Nunnenkamp, Sutton, Nebraska

25% water savings

“We’re getting good results. Our pressure dropped by 10 pounds, and we used 25% less water and getting softer water in the house.”

Brad Simon, Hoxie, Kansas

Stretching water, Happy with soft water at home

“Noticing better water penetration and stretching our water in our wells. My wife loves the system at home with softening of the water.”

Frank Brand, Frank Brand Dairy, Lovington, New Mexico

Softer water at home!

“We like it. It makes our skin softer. And makes our grass grow faster and greener. And the water tastes better. Our dish water runs better and we use less soap.”

Steven J. Bishop, Blackfoot, Idaho

Getting more out of crop irrigation water

“Water is clearer as it comes out from the sprinkler. In the field we installed the unit we were running 500 GPMs and it produced 20 tons of sorgum silage per acre, compared to the untreated field next to it running 700 GPMs and 18 tons per acre; that tells you the story.”

Larry Ryan, Burdett, Kansas