The Magnation Process clarifies water into a lighter water, with isotopic shifts occurring as a result of physics. This impacts the visual clarity of water with zero chemicals, and zero byproducts.
Using Turbidity (NTU) as a Best Practice for Water Conditioning
Water Conditioning continues to be a global priority. This is not likely to change. Environmental engineers and a specialized workforce who manage water in Agriculture, wastewater, sanitation facilities, and municipalities have the responsibility to provide pure water for their customers.
The biggest water conditioning challenge is to effectively manage the use of chemicals, acids, flocculation, settling of solids and solubilities to achieve a pure water product. It also needs to be eco-friendly and economical.
When creating tap water from raw water, it often requires the use of anti-coagulants (aluminum sulfate, ferric chloride, etc.), chlorination, anti-corrosives (orthophosphates for lead pipes), pH corrections (limestone in the form of calcium carbonate) and different levels of filtration. It’s not surprising to find customers of city tap water to be managing their own water treatment process with water softeners and Reverse Osmosis systems.
Agriculture may not be that different. It is not uncommon to see the same contradiction in water management with the use of gypsum or lime to get greater penetration of water during irrigation.
What is the best practice? The process must address hard water, scaling and turbidity. Turbidity is the measurement of water clarity, reflecting suspended particulates, pathogens, organic and inorganic matter, TDS and more. Turbidity shows viscosity, surface tension and flow. The unit of measure is Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU), and is a measure of scattered light in a sample compared to a reference solution. Simply put, it is the measure of cloudiness in water.
The economic benefits of Magnation’s passive, physical water treatment when considering chemical use, operation and maintenance costs are a go-to alternative in effective hard water management. Comparative studies are demonstrating a clear reduction in NTU, so the use of scale inhibitors, anti-scalants, or other chemically involved processes can be avoided or minimized. (See Abstract from the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) Tirta Musi Palembang, December 2019)
Magnation’s Rainlike Water clarifies water into a lighter water, as isotopic shifts occur with physics applied.
The Magnation Process as patented in the Turbulator™ impacts the visual clarity of water, or turbidity.
Balance your water
Magnation takes a unique position of balancing, correcting and conditioning water with no energy, no chemicals, no impact on the environment and great savings. In fact, Magnation® Turbulator™, received a Top Product of the Year Award 2020, in the elite Environment + Energy Leader Awards program.
Effective chemical-free solution
“We used to use bleach to treat the algae and coliform growth. Now, we don’t use bleach at all. The only thing we changed was implementing the Magnation system.”
- Weibe Dijkstra, Dairy Farmer, Wisconsin
We offer a wide range of eco-friendly water conditioning products for improving turbidity

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