Money Back Guarantee
Risk free, two-year money back guarantee promises results.
Magnation Water Technologies offers a satisfaction guarantee for all inline units, within two years from date of shipment.
Personal use Hydrabolt™ , Springbolt™ , Soft Rain™ and Powerband™ do not apply.
Magnation Water Technologies guarantees that any or all of the following benefits will be achieved from the product within two years from date of installation.
Benefits include but are not limited to:
– Minimum 10% and up to 30% water savings
– Minimum 10% and up to 42% energy savings
– Minimum 10% and up to 50% savings in chemical & additive use. This includes:
– acid washes – chlorine – wetting agents – pesticides – insecticides – herbicides – fungicides – salts
– Reduction or elimination of scale in pumps, pipes, emitters and equipment
– Longer equipment life
– Less maintenance & time savings (for example membrane filter replacements can be extended by 20-25% longer, less time spent on cleaning, less chemicals to manage)
– Increase in yield production, and/or earlier harvest period, and/or longer shelf life
– Increased moisture infiltration and/or moisture retention in soils, and/or improved soil health
– Improved plant quality/vigor, uniformity and/or density
– Improved seed germination rates Better spray patterns
– Softer water / lower TDS
If zero benefits are realized by the end of the two year period, a full refund for the purchase amount will be issued once the product is returned in good condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted. The customer must properly package the unit and pay for shipping with tracking to 660 4th Street, Oakland, CA 94607. Proper insurance is recommended.

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