
Iron Bacteria

Magnation water treatment products mitigate iron bacteria and rust with physics, conditioning, correcting and balancing with zero chemicals. Prevent and reverse iron bacteria buildup.

Solve Iron Bacteria. Zero chemicals, 100% effective.

Iron bacteria may cause a decline in the standard of water quality with adverse effects on taste, color and odor, and lead to usually a reddish stain. Iron bacteria are micro-organisms which obtain energy by oxidizing soluble ferrous iron into insoluble ferric iron, which then precipitates out of solution. This energy is used to promote the growth of thread-like slimes which together with the ferric iron, forms a voluminous mass.

Iron in irrigation water could be an essential nutrient to plants but instead it oxidizes on contact with the air and blocks drippers, filters and spray nozzles. This contributes to scale build up in the pipes, resulting in decreased flow and efficiency, increased maintenance, and expensive replacement of dripper nozzles.

Dissolved iron as found in ground water is present as Ferrous (Fe++) iron. Ferrous iron compounds which are soluble are colorless when dissolved in water.

When ground water containing ferrous iron is pumped to the surface it is oxidized to Ferric (Fe+++) iron. This Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3) is insoluble and reddish/brown in color. Its common name is rust, and is responsible for suffocating plant leaves and discoloring buildings, and anything else it comes in contact with.

As the particles of rust are very tiny, they remain in suspension for a considerable time and the water takes on a reddish/brown color. If this water is left to settle, most of the rust particles will sink to the bottom of the storage vessel over time.

When the water containing dissolved Ferrous ions (Fe++) is treated with Magnation’s resonance frequency technology, the highly specific frequencies resonate the outer shell electrons of the iron atom. This prevents the loss of the third electron necessary for the transition of Ferrous iron (Fe++) to Ferric iron (Fe+++). The result is that the formation of Ferric Oxide is stopped / reduced and the Ferrous iron (Fe++) remains in solution. The iron can now pass easily through the irrigation system without causing any problems.

For the growth of plants, the treated iron is now much more available to plants than before and is an essential nutrient in the manufacturing of chlorophyll, which is essential for plant photosynthesis and plant health.

  • Iron bacteria and Wells

    Many species of iron bacteria have been identified. There are also some bacteria which live on manganese in water. However, as most groundwater contain lower concentrations of manganese than iron, it is iron bacteria which have caused the majority of problems in bores. While most groundwater contains a certain concentration of ferrous iron, iron bacteria does not affect all wells. When iron bacteria does infect a bore, the resulting growths may either suspend in solution or tuberculation (deposited growth) onto the well casing, screens, or the aquifer itself. Tuberculation may also occur in pumping equipment and reticulation systems.



  • You're a candidate for Magnation water treatment if you experience any of these issues:

    – Blockage or restriction of groundwater into the well
    – Blockages in reticulation systems
    – Decreased pumping efficiency
    – Increased pumping costs
    – Burn-out of submersible pumps due to overheating
    – Microirrigation systems are particularly susceptible to clogging due to the fine aperture sizes of the common outlets. When fixed to metallic fittings, the bacteria are thought to secrete an acidic substance which increases metal corrosion resulting in deterioration of well casing, screen, pump, column and reticulation system.

  • Correct many water quality and salinity issues

    Water hardness: calcium magnesium (CaMg)

    Hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell)

    SAR’s (Sodium Adsorption Ratio)

    Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

    Bicarbonates (HCO3)

    Moss, algae & biofilm

    Mineral scale buildup

    Hydrophobic spots

    Iron bacteria/rust

    Surface run-off

    Boron toxicity


    Acidity (pH)





    And more


Performance Satisfaction Guarantee

"Municipality of Borgerodoorn has seen dramatic elimination of high iron and algae in their sweeping machines, no clogging pump and nozzles and extending the filter service from 3-4 weeks to 3-4 months, as well as showing elimination of oxidation ferrous to ferric water."

- Municipality of Borgerodoorn, The Netherlands

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