People-centric Resources
Magnation Water Technologies
Life giving water

Water is Life
Water is a basic human right. Over half of our bodies are made up of water. Water provides a number of key body functions for us:
• Builds and provides nutrients to the life of every cell in the body
• Regulates body temperature through breathing and sweating
• Transports food carbohydrates and proteins through our blood
• Flushes waste out the body
• Absorbs shock in the brain, spinal cord and for babies in the womb
• Creates saliva, foundational in digestion
• Lubricates joints(Source: United State Geological Survey)
“Water is sacred to all Human Beings.
If you do not have water, you cannot have life.”
Autumn Morning Star, Blackfeet and Choctaw Magician and StorytellerWhen we experience dehydration, it means that our bodies don’t have enough water to carry out these essential functions. We end up feeling tired and lack energy. For our bodies to function properly we need to replenish our water supply by hydrating effectively. You know that you’re getting enough water if you rarely feel thirty and your urine is colorless or a light yellow.
• Men need about 15.5 cups of water (3.7 liters) a day
• Women need about 11.5 cups of water (2.7 liters) a day
• Children should drink the number of 8 ounce cups of water equal to their age, with a maximum of 64 ounces of water for children over the age of 8(Source: Mayo Clinic)
Optimizing your water use
“Water is the lifeblood of our bodies, our economy, our nation and our well-being.”
Stephen Johnson, Former Head of EPA under G.W. Bush AdministrationThe way we use water has increased sixfold in the last century. Each year our use rises about 1%. Poor water management can have a negative impact on society. It also increases ‘water stress’ in countries that don’t have access to enough clean water and sanitation.
(Source: United Nations University, Institute for Water, Environment and Health)
Each of us have a responsibility to optimize our water use. It’s time to not use one drop more than we have to. Households are the smallest consumers of water but have the largest potential for positive impact! We need a minimum of 6.5 gallons (25 liters) per day to make basic needs. In the U.S we average 70 gallons (262 liters) of water a day. When you start to optimize your household water you can:
• Lower your water costs through water conservation
• Reduce energy costs through less use of hot water
• Reduce contamination by eliminating salts, for easier cleanup for wastewater treatment(Source: SSWM)
Magnation has been the top-of-class for salt-free and consumable-free water conditioning, correcting and balancing since 2008. Awarded for innovative designs and sustainability, Magnation has developed some of the smartest and most effective ways to give people the quality of water they desire for everyday living.
Learn more about our solutions for your home
Essential water resources
We want to help everyone become as passionate about water as we are at Magnation. The following links will help you evolve your relationship to the water in your body and the water in Earth.
“Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children’s lifetime. The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land.”
Luna Leopold, U.S. geomorphologist and hydrologistUN Human Rights to Water and Sanitation
Access to water and sanitation are recognized by the United Nations as human rights, reflecting the fundamental nature of these basics in every person’s life
The most comprehensive collection of award-winning water education books, guides, maps, posters and downloadable resources you’ll find anywhere.
An interactive resource providing 100+ tips for conserving water
Held 22nd March each year explores what water means to people, its real value and how we can better protect this resource
Non-profit organisation that unlocks human potential by providing reliable water projects to communities in sub-Saharan Africa. Provides lesson plans for teachers
Gathered from students in 10 school on 6 continents to help us all use our water resources more effectively
Information from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on how to be smart with our water resources

Magnation’s mission is to solve complex water challenges by delivering sustainable and efficient water treatment systems resulting in water, energy and chemical conservation which will protect and rehabilitate our environment.
Magnation is dedicated to sustainable knowledge for the benefit of Earth and mankind. We offer product solutions based on Mother Earth’s natural solution of magnetism and applying scientific laws of physics, and the service of sharing what we have learned.
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Value Proposition
• Maximizing water for all human use, getting more out of each drop and leaving a lighter footprint
• Zero consumables, Salt-free water conditioning, correcting and balancing for soft, vibrant and healthy water
• Mitigate biofilm, mineral scale, bacteria and improve sanitation
• In harmony, with ease. Zero chemicals, energy, consumables, maintenance, byproducts
• Eco-friendly
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