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Browse the Best in Water Management and Seed Treatment Tools
Greenhouse Farming & Hydroponics
Best Practices for Water Systems
Magnation is creating new opportunities in sustainability and water science technology for Greenhouse Farming and Hydroponics. Magnation Water Management Solutions offers best-in-class performance when it comes to optimizing deep root irrigation practices, soil health management, seed performance, spray efficiency and control, and water conservation. Case Studies and science validate the true performance of Magnation water technologies for all crops including Hemp, CBD and Canna.
Magnation Solves Water Problems
Our guarantee includes: Significantly reduced water hardness (CaMg) • Keeps all equipment free of mineral scale • Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) • Bicarbonates (HCO3) • Reduced leaf burn • Hydrogen sulfides (rotten egg smell) • Boron toxicity • Iron bacteria • Algae and biofilm • Low pressure • pH • Manganese • Nitrates and more
Stimulate Seed Growth for Stronger Yields
Treating seeds prior to planting invigorates seeds from the beginning of the growth cycle and stimulates plant growth. The end result is accelerated germination, higher percentage of sprouting, enhanced growth of roots, plant uniformity with higher nutrition value. Learn more
Smarter Water Management
• Improve soil penetration, moisture retention
• Reduced irrigation 10-30%, Save water!
• Pumping energy savings on average by 25%, Save energy!
• Reduced inputs and spray requirements 10-50%
• Extended equipment longevity and less maintenance
• Faster emergence and crop uniformity
• Increased shelf life of produce
• Increased nutrient absorption
• Anti-scale and anti-corrosion
• Increased dissolved oxygen
• Improved hydration
• Better water flow
• Better taste, color
• Increased yields
Best in Class Water Solutions for Ag
Irrigation Management
Ideal for all types of irrigation, from local organic farms to large scale farming. Pivots, drip, sprinklers, wheels or flood enhanced for deep root irrigation. 10-25% less water, energy and chemicals. Zero maintenance or electricity required.
Greenhouse Farming & Hydroponics
Aquabolt and Rainbolt are perfect for greenhouses with smaller pipes and emitters. Keep them clean and easy to maintain with optimal spray patterns and foliar absorption, while improving soil health, plant quality and boosting yields.
Seed Treatment Methods
Farmers know faster emergence means a healthier yield. Magnation naturally boosts germination properties and growth, improves uniformity and promotes earlier harvest ripening. Adapted for seeders, manual and large scale applications.
Fertigation & Spraying
Magnation reduces surface tension and viscosity, allowing for superior foliar application. Reduce runoff, drift and protect your water table more effectively without compromising your plants nutritional needs. Better mixing and solubility.
Water Pump Performance
Boost pump performance 10% with less friction in your water. Extend the life of equipment, reduce maintenance & downtime. Save up to 42% on pumping costs.
Well Water Treatment Systems
Rainbolt Well prevents the locking up of pumps. Solve iron bacteria, scale buildup, rust, and hard water issues at the first point of entry. Reduce pumping costs by 15%. Improve pressure and flow. Eliminate harsh cleaning chemicals.
Manure Management
Magnation is creating new opportunities in sustainability and water science technology for Manure and Slurry Management. Farm animals drinking Magnation water results in healthier absorption and gut system, resulting in better stacking and a reduction in nitrates.
Livestock, Dairy and Poultry
Livestock, Dairy and Poultry experience better weight consistency and boosted immunity with Magnation’s hydrating water. Better stacking of manure. Easier sanitation. Mitigate mineral scale and its bio-hazardous impacts.
Dissolved oxygen improves the vitality, growth and weight of farmed fish in containers. Magnations Rainbolt optimizes the environment for the fish, and prevents unwanted bacterial and algae growth.
Fuel Treatment
Save 10% in fuel consumption for all your tractors and moving farm equipment. Springbolt wraps around your fuel line while pumping and improves the efficiency of the fuel, saving money, time and CO2 emissions.
The Magnation Value Proposition for Water Management
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Our representatives have a wealth of knowledge on all our products – let them steer you in the right direction.
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